Meeting Minutes 2017-12-11

BCKC Board Meeting Minutes – 12-11-17

Attendees: Ed, Jean, NickS, KellyM, LewG, BillO, JohnK, MartyL, AndrewF, GeorgeC

Committee reports:

Review of meeting notes from 10/9/17 meeting – approved with corrections on the amounts for the Christmas party dollars spent. $300 for AndrewR & $350 for Kara.

Training Safety:

AndrewF – suggests next time we do the intro safety class first and the advanced safety class 2nd. He suggests capping off attendance at around 18-20. The 2017 safety classes were June 17-18 (Experienced) and August 12-13 (Std). Suggested dates for 2018 are, June 9-10 (Std) – August 11-12 (Experienced) – these are NOT confirmed dates – schedules and details need to be checked first.

KellyM – She suggests we do a winter safety review for beginners – something like ACA’s “fun with ropes”, overview of first aid kits, etc. BillO says he can offer his location for such a class – just give him a suggested date.

Treasurer’s Report:

Reviewed and approved.


We have 301 members this year (2017).


Eric will still set up the calendar for programs but needs help for the other programs. Eric would like someone to take full responsibility for the Lower Yough weekend. We plan to schedule it for June 22-24, 2018.

Marty will get info about Camp Caesar near the Elk River, for consideration.

GeorgeC agreed that he would take lead on the Lower Yough weekend and recruit help as needed.

Depending upon the cabin/rental, we may limit the amount of people that can sign up and have it be first come first served. The suggested amount was around 25-30.

Eric asked Nick Murry to moderate the FB web site. Eric is still setting schedules for events.

Beginner’s Program Discussion:

Possible first group (A Group): Chris Moize, George Currie and Ryan Whiteleather
Possible second group (B Group): John Kemper, Ed Blizzard, Jean Blizzard (and another).

GeorgeC - It would be good to have a “meet up” of the instructors and support boaters to discuss what’s required for the sessions. Something casual like Green Turtle, etc.

Pool Sessions: JohnK will talk to John Martin about doing a “Train the Trainer” for roll sessions’ instructors. Also, it was decided that we will talk with boaters individually at the pool if there are issues of taking up too much room for too long in the pool – and express that they need to give others a chance to practice. Also, will discuss cruising into the shallow section with their kayaks to chat/visit, etc. as is needed.

Motion made for the club to fund the pool session for anyone wanting to learn how to do instruction for rolling – a motion was passed unanimously.

Old Business:

Trailer Discussion: We need to inquire about insurance (a rider) for the trailer to be covered for the driver – so that anyone pulling the trailer will not be held responsible for replacement of the trailer and it’s contents. BillO will do the research for a rider policy, for the club to carry, to cover the trailer and report his findings.

New Business:

LewG – suggested that Ryan Whiteleather be added to our board. JohnK will research the process to add a board member. We will discuss at the next meeting.

2018 Meeting Schedule:

NickS – February, JohnK –June, BillO – Dec, LewG – August, Ed/Jean – April, Marty - Oct

Motion to adjourn at 9:08p – approved.