Meeting Minutes 2014-02-10

Baltimore Canoe & Kayak Club


Board Meeting Minutes


Date: February 10, 2014

Current Officers:  Nick Bowles, Steve Baker, John Kemper, Eric Ruhl

Current Board: Marty Levine, Bill Offut, Tony Allred, Michael Quinn, Peiting Lien, Lew Glasier, Byron Ellis

Present: Nick, Steve, John, Eric, Bill, Marty, Bill, Peiting, Lew, Byron

On this date a Baltimore Canoe Club Board Meeting was held. The following items were discussed:

Secretary’s Report

Previous minutes reviewed and accepted

Treasurer’s Report

1. Budget was reviewed and accepted

2. The Treasurer had streamlined the budget sheet for easier review (thanks John).

3. YTD enrollment dues were slightly under projected yearly total.

4. YTD roll session fees were 60% of projected, about half way through roll sessions.

5. Projected yearly excess/deficit approximately breakeven.      

Committtee Reports

1. Training Safety – Tony Allred

            a. First aid kit list had been forwarded to Jens for assembly

            b. Swift water rescue date to be confirmed, tentatively July 19th & 20th.

2. Membership/Roster – John Kemper

            a. Current roster was provided.

            b. YTD enrollment approximately 20 less than last year total, good for February.

3. Roll Sessions – Michael Quinn

            a. Currently in session, no updates

4. Conservation – Leonard Huffines

            a. Leonard and Nick applying for ACA grant for river cleanup.

5. Programs – Eric Ruhl

            a. Event calendar nearly complete for 2014 and should post in next few weeks.

Old Business

  1. 1.12/09/13 Reimbursement for previous year’s mailing approved.
    1. a.02/10/14 Check cut Eric to deliver
  2. 2.12/09/13 LGP visual gauge was procured and Bill, Marty, Lew installation crew.
    1. a.02/10/14 Installation postponed till better weather.
  3. 3.12/9/14 Loaner boat liability discussed.
    1. a.2/10/14 Nick to check with Mike on liability

F.  New Business


The preceding minutes are the author’s interpretation of discussion and events at the noted meeting.  Contact the author in writing within one week of receipt with any comments, or all accounts will be considered accurate. 

Next progress meeting is scheduled for 7:00 on April 14, 2014. Location TBD

Byron Ellis


Baltimore Canoe & Kayak Club