Meeting Minutes 2016-12-12
BCKC Board Meeting Minutes
Bill O. |
Marty L. |
John K. |
Nick S. |
Byron E. |
Lew G. |
Jean B. |
Ed B. |
George C. |
Kelly M. |
Tony A. |
Secretary’s Report
-Minutes from 10/10/16 read and approved
Treasurer’s Report
-Report reviewed by John Kemper
-Motion to approve budget approved
Training & Safety
-Need a date from Andrew for the next CPR class. If it’s going to be at Bill Offutt’s location, he needs a date ASAP.
-Discussion was had about equipment needed for the safety courses.
-Maximum 15 students per class.
-A motion was made and approved to give a $500 budget to our safety team (Kelly M., Andrew R. and Andrew F.) for the purchase of the equipment needed for them to offer safety classes.
-The safety instructors will decide what they feel we should charge to the students for the classes.
-Board meeting schedule for 2017:
-Reminder for board members to renew for 2017. Current membership is around 40 for 2017.
Pool Session
-Sessions start the 2nd Sunday in January – the paperwork is all in order.
-Eric will be putting out the program information soon. He still needs instructors and trip leads.
-Eric also needs to get people to replace him as beginner session leads. George says he may have it covered.
-A motion was made and approved for the board to allow up to $500 to Eric Ruhl for the purchase of equipment for the club to be reviewed at each board meeting.
New Business
-It was discussed and a motion approved that the executive committee was not needed.
-Discuss was had about waiver forms for minors and nothing will change according to our existing rules. Anyone under 18 must have an ACA waiver signed by their parent before attending any BCKC classes.
-Any announcements for BCKC classes will be posted on all announcement media. John Kemper will be responsible to get that accomplished.
-We need to make sure that all trip leads are aware of the ACA waiver for minors to make sure it’s done for all BCKC sponsored trips.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn the meeting at 9:05pm.