Meeting Minutes 2010-04-12

GBCC Board Meeting Minutes

April 12, 2010


Present:  Kara Brown, Tony Allred, Angela Genito, Chip Walsh, Bill Offutt, Marty Levine, John Kemper, Steve Forian, Michael Quinn, Marycarol Skaggs


Call to Order:  7:12


Secretary’s Rpt, Marycarol Skaggs:  MC will get Chip’s re-write of conservation section.  Approve minutes of 2/23/2010?  Yes.


Safety Report, Tony Allred:  John G’s class will be first weekend in June.  Cost to members will be camping only, or maybe a small materials charge.  August class will be through Liquid Adventures, cost is $200/person.  Will be at C&O Canal 3rd weekend in August.  Both are combined Club classes.


Membership/Roster, Angela Genito:  trying to get roster out by end of April.


Newsletter, John Kemper:  Send to current members only or to current and former?  Angela proposes sending it via email to those who haven’t renewed.  Bill O moved that we let Angela send out emails as opposed to print version.  All in favor, none oppose.


Conservation, Chip Walsh: 

  • ·Nov 6 will be the Patuxent Trash Out, which is rescheduled.
  • ·Gunpowder Tire Run is May 22.  Buddy asked for insurance for tire run.  Tony doesn’t see a need.  Steve doesn’t see liability.  In the past, we have not had insurance for clean-ups, only for ACA-sanctioned events and roll sessions.
  • ·Jones Rd. Takeout:  Club rep should walk area with Jen from the park to assess what is needed to improve.  Eagle Scout project?  Chip will arrange, Marty, Chip & Steve will go.
  • ·Baltimore Waterlines:  Chip called them to introduce our club to them.  Watershed Associations for different waterways in Baltimore.


Programs, Kara Brown:  May and September still open for this year.  Ideas:  History of kayaking, Ed Gertler, Leeland Davis of River Gypsies.  Bill O will think of possibilities.


Website, Marycarol Skaggs, John Kemper: 

  • ·John is taking over technical aspect of site.  Suggest ad hoc cte to research new software and hosting site.  Mike, Tony, John and MC will be the Cte.  The Cte will consult with Jay Herbig.  Domain name is owned by the Club and under Network Solutions.  Duane is still the Technical Contact.  John will change that.
  • ·Tony suggests removing Scheduled Trips board altogether and just having calendared events with trip leader and contact info.  Not now—may work better with different software.


By-laws:  One suggestion:  put in by-laws that any change to them be a 2-meeting process:  Present it at one meeting, vote to approve it at next meeting.  Tony moved to approve as suggested.  All in favor, none opposed.  Michael will take “provisional” off of site.


Picnic:  7/17 at Tony’s beach in Pasadena.


Jones Falls Launch Sites:  Kara will look into alternate put-ins.


New Meeting Day of Week?  Considering Tuesdays after August.


New ACA Instructors?  Discussion, no decision.


Ohiopyle Falls Race:  Probably 8/21


Adjourn 9:00