Meeting Minutes 2016-10-10

BCKC Board Meeting Minutes
- John Kemper
- Lew Glaeser
- Byron Ellis
- Steve Baker
- Bill Offutt
- Kelly McCabe
- Andrew Rabinowitz
- Marty Levine
- Kelly Simmons
- Nick Bowley
Secretary's Report
- Minutes from 6/13/16 meeting reviewed
- Motion was made and passed to approve minutes
Treasurer's Report
- Treasurer's report was reviewed by John Kemper.
- Kelly Buckingham and Andrew Rabinowitz requested reimbursement for Swift Water Rescue
instructor training. A motion was made and approved.
- Motion was passed to approve year-to-date budget.
Training & Safety
- Andrew Rabinowitz, Kelly McCabe, and Andrew Froom are new safety chairs
- All three are now instructor certified
- Previous classes used SWR gear from sister club, this will no longer be available when Tony
Allred leaves
- New gear list will be compiled by Andrew Rabinowitz and distributed to board and Andrew
Froom for review
- Estimated cost for gear is $1,500
- Board members expressed concern about cost and club being liable for entire amount
- Recommend donations where possible and sourcing bulk deals from suppliers
- Tabled for review at later meeting after list is compiled and reviewed by all members
- Current membership is 261.
- $2,000 profit from Yough family weekend
- Boats have been traded in, board needs roster of new boats
- Andrew R to investigate best waiver for club owned equipment, emphasized this is the
biggest liability
Patapsco Valley Event:
- George will investigate joint activities for BCKC and FoPVR
Review of Action Items
- Charity contributions
- American Whitewater
- Harper's Ferry - Eric to advise
- Gunpowder - discussion on whether donating to Friends of Gunpowder would help with
access, thought to not be worth the effort
- Cheatfest - club will not donate to Cheatfest
- Community involvement - Kelly Simmons would like to investigate other ways club can
become involved in the community
Eric Ruhl Email
- Kelly Simmons expressed displeasure about contacting Eric Ruhl about leading trips and not
receiving feedback
- Steve Baker recommended KS try again and if nothing happened the board would become
- Vendor Advertising
- Club to instate a policy about limiting posts on Facebook to a designated vendor thread
refreshed quarterly
- A volunteer will approach Brad Nelson about reducing posts about gear
- Beginner Program - Steve Baker would like to become involved again in leading trips
- Holiday party gifts - Club to provide list of recommended Christmas Party gifts to Kara
- Solo - John Kemper would like to purchase new Fluid Solo purchased by club. Motion made
and passed for Kemper to purchase for $300 plus donation of his current Solo
- Board approved allocating $200 for building materials to upgrade storage facilities at Eric