Meeting Minutes 2011-04-11
Greater Baltimore Canoe Club
Board Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2011
Present: Kara Brown, Nick Bowley, John Kemper, Steve Forian, Chip Walsh, Marty Levine, Steve Baker, Marycarol Skaggs
Call to Order: 7:45 PM
Secretary’s Report, Marycarol: Correct Mike’s name under Treasurer’s Report. Add Leondard’s last name (Huffines). Correct next meeting date to be May 18, not 11. Approved as amended.
Safety, Tony: Tony & Bob B are doing a class in August. John G. isn’t doing it anymore.
Roster: Kara will contact Angela. Expecting distribution by end of April.
Conservation, Chip Walsh:
April 2nd was Patuxent Clean-up. Kara & Chip plus 4 from CPA. Area from Queen Anne’s bridge to Hill bridge.
LGP Takeout postponed from last April 9 to October. Chip contacted Lafarge, they will provide 40 tons of stone. The State will bring their equipment, we provice people and pay for a truck to move the stone. Chip will propose Oct 15 for the date, and Oct 22 for the rain date to the park.
Steve B suggested notifying the press of the clean-ups we do. Kara will forward pics to Steve to submit to the Gunpowder State Park newsletter.
June 19 Kara and Leonard are going back to the tidal Gunpowder with a motorboat to get tires they missed.
Program, Kara: May 18 General Meeting is Steve B’s intro to kayaking. Paddlers who come should bring gear so Steve doesn’t have to bring it all. Kara will send fliers to Brad at Starrk Moon. Nick will print some in color to hang @ REI in Timonium & Colombia. Nick will cancel the September General Meeting on the forum.
New Business: Nick made a poster for future events and can get it laminated and mounted. Has good pics. Will have it for REI Paddlefest.
Website, Mike: Nick has a friend who is willing to work on it. He’ll connect the friend with Michael. Steve suggested hiring the friend. Steve will communicate with Michael.
Schedule, John: John asked if someone else should be Schedule Chair. We need more LY trips. We currently have 3 on the calendar. Do we need more advanced trips? No. The schedule is more for practiced novice trips like LY. Advanced trips are typically by invite once skills are known.
Steve B will lead LY trip in July or Aug, Steve F will lead Dealer’s Choice III-IV end of June.
Nick--talk to Joel about Playboating Class.
UPDATE Robert E. Lee Park: Bridge not complete. Park expected to reopen in September this year. Looks like no release on the Jones Falls this summer.
John will send membership application file to Kara.
MC will remove the phone # on the site and post her email for contact.
Adjourn: 9:00
Action Items:
Kara: Contact Angela re roster, send flier to Starrk Moon, forward pictures to Steve B.
Nick: Posters for REI, connect web site friend with Michael, talk to Joel about playboating clinic, cancel Sept General Meeting on the website
Chip: Propose October dates for LGP work to the park.
Steve: Talk with Michael about the website
John: Send membership application file to Kara
MC: Update contact info on website