Meeting Minutes 2012-06-11

Greater Baltimore Canoe Club Board Meeting Minutes June 11th 2012



Nick Bowley, John Kemper, Steve Forian, Marty Levine, Steve Baker, Michael Quinn, Chip

Walsh, Pei Ting, Kara Brown


Call to Order:

7:20 PM


Secretary’s Report, Steve:

April’s meeting minutes approved


Treasurer’s Report, John K:

Answer on Cliff bar was that it was for another club.  Report Approved,


Safety, Tony:


Conservation, Chip Walsh:

June 23rd gunpowder clean up still a go.


Program, Kara:

Eric is to organize picnic and arrange for food.  Steve Baker reported that this years beginners calls was a huge success with twenty two attendees and future trips planned.


Website, Mike:

Mike to have update in near future.  Mike has made purchase of domain name to secure out website address.  Still need photos for web site.

Schedule, Nick: Membership John K:

2012 Rooster showed more people than paid dues. John to find out where the difference is from. John to find out who did not renew membership from last year and divide up among board members to call.


New Business:

Donation policy was presented by chip.  Correction to second bullet point to “generaly”  Policy has been approved. Officer and name change of club to be done at Christmas party rather than at the best of the rest due to venue and date change.




Adjourn:  8:45




Action Items:

John K - John to find out where the difference is from. John to find out who did not renew membership from last year and divide up among board members to call.